I can't get my Vstroker to work!
If you are ever having problems with installing the Vstroker please review this guide and for any other questions, reference:
Vstroker Help: (starting at checkout)
Step 1: once you process and checkout remember to download your content before navigating away from the confirmation page (IMPORTANT)
note: Vstroker content does not show up in confirmation email and you will not receive it in a second email
note: content will not be usable until you receive Vstroker, make sure Adobe AIR is up to date
note: if you do not download the content during checkout you will need to email jeff@vstroker.com with the name of the content to receive it
Step 2: once you receive Vstroker, put batteries in Vstroker and plug dongle into PC/MAC and let it download drivers
Step 3: push the button on the Vstroker once and let it sit until the light begins to flash, you are now connected
Step** 4:** extract the .zip file of your content.
- note: if you can not find your content it is most likely in your download folder as a ".zip" file and will still need to be extracted
Step 5: Once the file is extracted, open it in its new folder (again usually in your 'Downloads' folder) and click on the icon that says "Play," there should also be a "V" symbol by this if it downloaded completely.
Step 6: Once you open the video and click through the instructions it will walk you through an intro to the video and then you are all set and may begin using your Vstroker.
note: you will need to make your own folders and keep each "Play" file for the different girls in one place, like a "Vstroker" folder, and I would recommend re-naming the individual files, i.e. "Play - India Summer 2D" just so you can keep them organized
note: to watch the videos you will need to open the file from your selected folder each time
when extracting a .zip file all you need to do is highlight the download in your "zip wizard," which more likely than not popped up automatically, and hit "extract"; doing this will download the full content to your computer
take advantage of your 7-day free membership and all that Vstroker has to offer
3D content will require your own 3D glasses and PC/TV monitor that is 3D compatible
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